PlPlotLib Common Arguments

Common Arguments

A number of arguments are accepted by many routines in the PlPlotLib module due to their common applicability. To prevent duplication of effort, these arguments are documented here with the expectation that they behave in a consistent/expected manner for each of the routines that accept them.

Deviations from these standard behaviors or routine-specific extensions (if any) can be found in the documentation for each routine.


The color of various plot components may be set using a character value, for example color='red'. Acceptable values include the following:

* 'k', 'black'   :: Black
* 'w', 'white'   :: White
* 'r', 'red'     :: Red
* 'g', 'green'   :: Green
* 'b', 'blue'    :: Blue
* 'm', 'magenta' :: Magenta
* 'y', 'yellow'  :: Yellow
* 'c', 'cyan'    :: Cyan
* 'fg'           :: Foreground
* 'bg'           :: Background

Additionally, the character value may contain an ascii decimal encoding of real number between zero and one. In this case, the color will be taken from the continuous colormap instead of the discrete indexed colors. For example: color=' 0.534 ' This can easily be automated through the use of internal files.


A character value noting the color to use when painting lines. Accepted values are the following:

* 'k', 'black'   :: Black
* 'w', 'white'   :: White
* 'r', 'red'     :: Red
* 'g', 'green'   :: Green
* 'b', 'blue'    :: Blue
* 'm', 'magenta' :: Magenta
* 'y', 'yellow'  :: Yellow
* 'c', 'cyan'    :: Cyan
* 'fg'           :: Foreground
* 'bg'           :: Background

Additionally, the character value may contain an ascii decimal encoding of real number between zero and one. In this case, the color will be taken from the continuous colormap instead of the discrete indexed colors. For example: lineColor=' 0.534 ' This can easily be automated through the use of internal files.


The style of lines can be changed through the lineStyle argument which takes a character value. Accepted values are the following:

* '-'  :: Solid line
* '--' :: Dashed line
* ':'  :: Dotted line


The width of lines used in an operation can often be set usin the lineWidth argument, with a real number multiple of the default line width. For example, lineWidth=2.5_wp will cause lines to be two and a half times thicker than normal.


A character value noting the color to use when painting markers or symbols. Accepted values are the following:

* 'k', 'black'   :: Black
* 'w', 'white'   :: White
* 'r', 'red'     :: Red
* 'g', 'green'   :: Green
* 'b', 'blue'    :: Blue
* 'm', 'magenta' :: Magenta
* 'y', 'yellow'  :: Yellow
* 'c', 'cyan'    :: Cyan
* 'fg'           :: Foreground
* 'bg'           :: Background

Unlike line colors, marks cannot use the continuous colormap and are thus restricted to the indexed colors.


* '+' :: Plus
* 'x  :: Times
* '*' :: Star
* '.' :: Point
* 's' :: Square
* '^' :: Up triangle
* '<' :: Left triangle
* 'v' :: Down triangle
* '>' :: Right triangle


The size of markers can be scaled using the markSize argument, which takes a real value multiple of the default maker size. For example, markSize=1.5_wp will scale up the markers by 50% from the default size.