Procedure | Location | Procedure Type | Description |
abs | autoDiffOperator_mod | Interface | |
abs_t | treeOperator_mod | Interface | |
acos_t | treeTrigonometric_mod | Interface | |
ad_t | autoDiffType_mod | Interface | |
add_t | treeOperator_mod | Interface | |
arg | kinds_mod | Function | Compute the argument of a complex number |
arrayToChar | text_mod | Function | Convert an array of character(1) into a character |
asin_t | treeTrigonometric_mod | Interface | |
assignment(=) | autoDiffOperator_mod | Interface | |
atan_t | treeTrigonometric_mod | Interface | |
bar | plplotlib_mod | Subroutine | Create a bar graph |
barh | plplotlib_mod | Subroutine | Create a horizontal bar graph |
biCGSTAB_t | solvers_mod | Interface | |
biConjugateGradientStabilized | basicSolvers_mod | Function | |
binData | plplotlib_mod | Function | Count data in each bin |
box | plplotlib_mod | Subroutine | Set x,y and plot labels |
charToArray | text_mod | Function | Convert a character into an array of character(1) |
checkPrecision | testKinds_prg | Function | Compare a real value with its true value in string form; return the correct digit count |
colorbar | plplotlib_mod | Subroutine | Add a colorbar to the top of the plot |
colorbar2 | plplotlib_mod | Subroutine | Add a colorbar to the top of the plot |
colorize | text_mod | Function | Bracket a string with text to change its color on a terminal |
colorMap | text_mod | Function | Return the color code for colorize based on the coolwarm color map |
config_t | config_mod | Interface | Constructor for config_t |
conjg | quaternion_mod | Interface | |
conjugateGradient | basicSolvers_mod | Function | |
conjugateGradient_t | solvers_mod | Interface | |
contour | plplotlib_mod | Subroutine | Plot contour lines |
contourf | plplotlib_mod | Subroutine | Plot filled contours |
cos_a | autoDiffTrigonometric_mod | Function | |
cos_t | treeTrigonometric_mod | Interface | |
cpuTime | time_mod | Function | Return the cpu time to within an added constant (excludes sleep time) |
cubicSpline_t | spline_mod | Interface | Constructor for cubicSpline_t |
deDup | array_mod | Function | Remove duplicates from a list of positive integers |
DFT | fourier_mod | Interface | Compute the DFT of a dataset |
div_t | treeOperator_mod | Interface | |
doBar | examples_prg | Subroutine | |
doContour | examples_prg | Subroutine | |
doError | examples_prg | Subroutine | |
doFillBetween | examples_prg | Subroutine | |
doFunction | testEval_prg | Subroutine | |
doHist | examples_prg | Subroutine | |
doLegend | examples_prg | Subroutine | |
doLogPlot | examples_prg | Subroutine | |
doPlot | examples_prg | Subroutine | |
doQuiver | examples_prg | Subroutine | |
doScatter | examples_prg | Subroutine | |
doSurface | examples_prg | Subroutine | |
endsWith | text_mod | Function | Test if text ends with str |
errorbar | plplotlib_mod | Subroutine | Plot error bars for a set of data points |
eval_test | objective_mod | Function | |
eval_testN | objective_mod | Function | |
evalR_abs | treeOperator_mod | Function | |
evalR_acos | treeTrigonometric_mod | Function | |
evalR_add | treeOperator_mod | Function | |
evalR_asin | treeTrigonometric_mod | Function | |
evalR_atan | treeTrigonometric_mod | Function | |
evalR_cos | treeTrigonometric_mod | Function | |
evalR_div | treeOperator_mod | Function | |
evalR_exp | treeExponential_mod | Function | |
evalR_imag | treeValue_mod | Function | |
evalR_log | treeExponential_mod | Function | |
evalR_log10 | treeExponential_mod | Function | |
evalR_mul | treeOperator_mod | Function | |
evalR_neg | treeOperator_mod | Function | |
evalR_p | node_mod | Interface | |
evalR_pow | treeOperator_mod | Function | |
evalR_real | treeValue_mod | Function | |
evalR_sin | treeTrigonometric_mod | Function | |
evalR_sqrt | treeOperator_mod | Function | |
evalR_sub | treeOperator_mod | Function | |
evalR_tan | treeTrigonometric_mod | Function | |
evalR_var | treeValue_mod | Function | |
evalZ_abs | treeOperator_mod | Function | |
evalZ_acos | treeTrigonometric_mod | Function | |
evalZ_add | treeOperator_mod | Function | |
evalZ_asin | treeTrigonometric_mod | Function | |
evalZ_atan | treeTrigonometric_mod | Function | |
evalZ_cos | treeTrigonometric_mod | Function | |
evalZ_div | treeOperator_mod | Function | |
evalZ_exp | treeExponential_mod | Function | |
evalZ_imag | treeValue_mod | Function | |
evalZ_log | treeExponential_mod | Function | |
evalZ_log10 | treeExponential_mod | Function | |
evalZ_mul | treeOperator_mod | Function | |
evalZ_neg | treeOperator_mod | Function | |
evalZ_p | node_mod | Interface | |
evalZ_pow | treeOperator_mod | Function | |
evalZ_real | treeValue_mod | Function | |
evalZ_sin | treeTrigonometric_mod | Function | |
evalZ_sqrt | treeOperator_mod | Function | |
evalZ_sub | treeOperator_mod | Function | |
evalZ_tan | treeTrigonometric_mod | Function | |
evalZ_var | treeValue_mod | Function | |
exp | autoDiffExponential_mod | Interface | |
exp | quaternion_mod | Interface | |
exp_t | treeExponential_mod | Interface | |
f | animate_prg | Function | Function for plot |
FFT | fourier_mod | Interface | Compute the FFT of a dataset |
FFT_freq | fourier_mod | Function | Compute the frequencies from time for an FFT |
figure | plplotlib_mod | Subroutine | Create a new figure |
fillBetween | plplotlib_mod | Subroutine | Fill space between two lines |
fillBetweenx | plplotlib_mod | Subroutine | Fill space between two lines |
findInterval | array_mod | Function | Find the locations in t0 that bracket t |
flatten | array_mod | Interface | Reduce an array to one dimension |
function_t | expression_mod | Interface | Constructors for function_t |
gaussSeidel | basicSolvers_mod | Function | |
gaussSeidel_t | solvers_mod | Interface | |
hist | plplotlib_mod | Subroutine | Create a histogram |
iDFT | fourier_mod | Interface | Compute the inverse DFT of a dataset |
iFFT | fourier_mod | Interface | Compute the inverse FFT of a dataset |
imag_t | treeValue_mod | Interface | |
intToChar | text_mod | Function | Create a string from an integer |
inv | quaternion_mod | Function | Return the inverse of the quaternion |
jacobi | basicSolvers_mod | Function | |
jacobi_t | solvers_mod | Interface | |
labels | plplotlib_mod | Subroutine | Set x,y and plot labels |
legend | plplotlib_mod | Subroutine | Create legend for plot data |
linearInterp | array_mod | Function | Linear interpolation of y(x) at x=r |
linearSpline_t | spline_mod | Interface | Constructor for linearSpline_t |
lineSearch_t | optimize_mod | Interface | Constructors for lineSearch_t |
linspace | array_mod | Function | Return an array of evenly-spaced values |
log | autoDiffExponential_mod | Interface | |
log | quaternion_mod | Interface | |
log10 | autoDiffExponential_mod | Interface | |
log10 | quaternion_mod | Interface | |
log10_t | treeExponential_mod | Interface | |
log_t | treeExponential_mod | Interface | |
makeLogo | logo_prg | Subroutine | Create data and plot for logo |
matmul | autoDiffArray_mod | Interface | |
matmul | sparse_mod | Interface | |
maxval | sparse_mod | Interface | |
mean | stats_mod | Function | Compute the mean of an input array |
meshGridX | array_mod | Function | Construct a grid from x and y spacing |
meshGridY | array_mod | Function | Construct a grid from x and y spacing |
minimumResidual | basicSolvers_mod | Function | |
minval | sparse_mod | Interface | |
mixval | array_mod | Interface | Return a 2-vector comprising the minimum and maximum values of an array |
mul_t | treeOperator_mod | Interface | |
neg_t | treeOperator_mod | Interface | |
newAbs | treeOperator_mod | Function | |
newAcos | treeTrigonometric_mod | Function | |
newAdd | treeOperator_mod | Function | |
newAsin | treeTrigonometric_mod | Function | |
newAtan | treeTrigonometric_mod | Function | |
newCos | treeTrigonometric_mod | Function | |
newDiv | treeOperator_mod | Function | |
newExp | treeExponential_mod | Function | |
newImag | treeValue_mod | Function | |
newIterator | iterate_mod | Function | Create a new iterator_t object |
newLog | treeExponential_mod | Function | |
newLog10 | treeExponential_mod | Function | |
newMul | treeOperator_mod | Function | |
newNeg | treeOperator_mod | Function | |
newNodeStack | node_mod | Function | |
newPow | treeOperator_mod | Function | |
newReal | treeValue_mod | Function | |
newSin | treeTrigonometric_mod | Function | |
newSparse | sparse_mod | Function | |
newSpvec | sparse_mod | Function | |
newSqrt | treeOperator_mod | Function | |
newSub | treeOperator_mod | Function | |
newTan | treeTrigonometric_mod | Function | |
newToken | node_mod | Function | Constructor for token_t |
newVar | treeValue_mod | Function | |
nint | autoDiffType_mod | Interface | |
nodeStack_t | node_mod | Interface | |
norm2 | autoDiffArray_mod | Interface | |
norm2 | quaternion_mod | Interface | |
operator(*) | autoDiffOperator_mod | Interface | |
operator(*) | sparse_mod | Interface | |
operator(*) | quaternion_mod | Interface | |
operator(**) | autoDiffOperator_mod | Interface | |
operator(+) | autoDiffOperator_mod | Interface | |
operator(+) | sparse_mod | Interface | |
operator(+) | quaternion_mod | Interface | |
operator(-) | autoDiffOperator_mod | Interface | |
operator(-) | quaternion_mod | Interface | |
operator(.d.) | tensor_mod | Interface | Dyadic product |
operator(.o.) | tensor_mod | Interface | Dot product |
operator(.o.) | sparse_mod | Interface | |
operator(.oo.) | tensor_mod | Interface | Double dot product |
operator(.sx.) | tensor_mod | Interface | Cross product of 2D vectors |
operator(.x.) | tensor_mod | Interface | Cross product |
operator(/) | autoDiffOperator_mod | Interface | |
operator(/) | quaternion_mod | Interface | |
operator(<) | autoDiffOperator_mod | Interface | |
operator(>) | autoDiffOperator_mod | Interface | |
plot | plplotlib_mod | Subroutine | Plot data using lines and or markers |
plot3 | plplotlib_mod | Subroutine | Plot data using lines and or markers |
pop | node_mod | Function | |
pow_t | treeOperator_mod | Interface | |
printTypes | kinds_mod | Subroutine | Print the integer kinds for each real type |
push | node_mod | Subroutine | |
quat_t | quaternion_mod | Interface | |
quiver | plplotlib_mod | Subroutine | Plot vectors |
randomNormal | stats_mod | Interface | Return sample(s) \(x\) from an approximate normal distribution such that \(x\in[-6,6]\), \( \sigma \approx 1.0 \) and \( \mu \approx 0.0 \). |
randomUniform | stats_mod | Interface | Return sample(s) \(x\) from a uniform distribution such that \(x\in[-1,1]\) |
readGrid | netCDF_mod | Subroutine | Read a grid from a file |
readStep | netCDF_mod | Interface | Read a variable for a timestep from a file |
real_t | treeValue_mod | Interface | |
realToChar | text_mod | Function | Create a string from a real number |
realToTime | text_mod | Function | Convert a real number to a string |
removeSpaces | text_mod | Function | Remove all spaces from a string |
scaler | quaternion_mod | Function | Return the scalar part of the quaternion |
scatter | plplotlib_mod | Subroutine | Create scatter plot of data |
setRandomSeed | stats_mod | Subroutine | Set the pseudo-random number generator seed |
setup | plplotlib_mod | Subroutine | Setup PlPlot library, optionally overriding defaults |
show | plplotlib_mod | Subroutine | Show the plots end finialize the PlPlot library |
showProgress | text_mod | Subroutine | Create a progress bar through successive calls |
sin_a | autoDiffTrigonometric_mod | Function | |
sin_t | treeTrigonometric_mod | Interface | |
solveLU | array_mod | Interface | |
solveLU | autoDiffArray_mod | Interface | |
solverProgress | basicSolvers_mod | Subroutine | |
SOR_t | solvers_mod | Interface | |
span | array_mod | Interface | Return a the maximum-minumum values of an array |
sqrt | autoDiffOperator_mod | Interface | |
sqrt_t | treeOperator_mod | Interface | |
startReport | basicSolvers_mod | Subroutine | |
startsWith | text_mod | Function | Test if text starts with str |
stDev | stats_mod | Function | Compute the standard deviation of an input array |
steepestDescent | basicSolvers_mod | Function | |
sub_t | treeOperator_mod | Interface | |
subplot | plplotlib_mod | Subroutine | Create a set of axes on a figure |
successiveOverRelaxation | basicSolvers_mod | Function | |
sum | autoDiffArray_mod | Interface | |
sum | sparse_mod | Interface | |
surface | plplotlib_mod | Subroutine | Plot a 3d surface |
symmetricGaussSeidel | basicSolvers_mod | Function | |
symmetricSuccessiveOverRelaxation | basicSolvers_mod | Function | |
tan_a | autoDiffTrigonometric_mod | Function | |
tan_t | treeTrigonometric_mod | Interface | |
TDMA | array_mod | Interface | |
TDMA | autoDiffArray_mod | Interface | |
testBasic | testQuaternion_prg | Subroutine | |
testBasicSolvers | testSparse_prg | Subroutine | |
testColorize | testText_prg | Subroutine | Test colorize to verify operation |
testColorMap | testText_prg | Subroutine | Test colorMap to verify operation |
testConstants | testKinds_prg | Subroutine | Test standard constants and verify accuracy to type-level precision |
testCpuTime | testTime_prg | Subroutine | Test cpuTime to verify operation |
testDeDup | testArray_prg | Subroutine | Test deDup to verify operation |
testDiff | testAutoDiff_prg | Subroutine | |
testDot | testTensor_prg | Subroutine | Verify operation of Dot and Dyadic |
testEndsWith | testText_prg | Subroutine | Test endsWith to verify operation |
testFFT | testFourier_prg | Subroutine | Test FFT to verify operation |
testFlatten | testArray_prg | Subroutine | Test mixval to verify operation |
testFunction | testEval_prg | Subroutine | Verify operation of newFunction and eval |
testIFFT | testFourier_prg | Subroutine | Test FFT to verify operation |
testIntToChar | testText_prg | Subroutine | Test intToChar to verify operation |
testLinearInterp | testArray_prg | Subroutine | Test linearInterp to verify operation |
testLinspace | testArray_prg | Subroutine | Test linspace to verify operation |
testLU | testArray_prg | Subroutine | Test solveLU to verify operation |
testMean | testStats_prg | Subroutine | Test mean to verify operation |
testMeshGrid | testArray_prg | Subroutine | Test meshGridX and meshGridY to verify operation |
testMixval | testArray_prg | Subroutine | Test mixval to verify operation |
testNewConfig | testConfig_prg | Subroutine | Verify the operation of newConfig |
testNewSparse | testSparse_prg | Subroutine | |
testNewSpline | testSpline_prg | Subroutine | |
testNext | testIterate_prg | Subroutine | Verify operation of next |
testObjective | testOptimize_prg | Subroutine | Verify operation of obj_t |
testObjectiveN | testOptimize_prg | Subroutine | |
testPlot | testOptimize_prg | Subroutine | |
testPrecision | testKinds_prg | Subroutine | Test real precision constants and actual accuracy |
testRandomNormal | testStats_prg | Subroutine | Test randomNormal to verify approximate distribution properties |
testRandomUniform | testStats_prg | Subroutine | Test randomUniform to verify approximate distribution properties |
testRead | testNetCDF_prg | Subroutine | Test reading netCDF files |
testReadGmsh | testMesh_prg | Subroutine | Verify operation of readGmsh |
testRealToChar | testText_prg | Subroutine | Test realToChar to verify operation |
testRealToTime | testText_prg | Subroutine | Test realToTime to verify operation |
testRemoveSpaces | testText_prg | Subroutine | Test removeSpaces to verify operation |
testSetRandomSeed | testStats_prg | Subroutine | Test setRandomSeed to verify operation |
testSolvers | testSparse_prg | Subroutine | |
testSpan | testArray_prg | Subroutine | Test mixval to verify operation |
testSplineX | testSpline_prg | Subroutine | |
testSpvec | testSparse_prg | Subroutine | |
testStartsWith | testText_prg | Subroutine | Test startsWith to verify operation |
testStDev | testStats_prg | Subroutine | Test stDev to verify operation |
testTDMA | testArray_prg | Subroutine | Test TDMA to verify operation |
testWallTime | testTime_prg | Subroutine | Test wallTime to verify operation |
testWrite | testNetCDF_prg | Subroutine | Test writing netCDF files |
testWriteMat | testMatIO_prg | Subroutine | Verify operation of writeMat |
testWriteVTK | testVtkIO_prg | Subroutine | Test writing VTK files |
testWriteVTK | testMesh_prg | Subroutine | Verify operation of readGmsh |
ticks | plplotlib_mod | Subroutine | Set the ticks for the axes |
title | plplotlib_mod | Subroutine | Set plot title |
token_t | node_mod | Interface | Constructors for token_t |
tokenize | node_mod | Function | Split a character into tokens |
toRPN | node_mod | Function | Convert a list of tokens from read order into RPN |
transpose | sparse_mod | Interface | |
v2m | matIO_mod | Interface | Convert a vector into a matrix |
var_t | treeValue_mod | Interface | |
vector | quaternion_mod | Function | Return the vector part of the quaternion |
wait | time_mod | Subroutine | Make the thread sleep |
wallTime | time_mod | Function | Return the wall time to within an added constant (includes sleep time) |
wireframe | plplotlib_mod | Subroutine | Plot a 3d wireframe |
writeGrid | netCDF_mod | Subroutine | Write a grid to a file |
writeGridVTK | vtkIO_mod | Interface | Write the structured coordinates |
writeHeaderVTK | vtkIO_mod | Subroutine | |
writeMat | matIO_mod | Interface | Write a matrix into a file |
writeScalarVTK | vtkIO_mod | Interface | Write a structured scalar field |
writeStep | netCDF_mod | Interface | Write a variable for a timestep to a file |
writeVectorVTK | vtkIO_mod | Interface | Write a structured vector field |
xlabel | plplotlib_mod | Subroutine | Set x-label |
xlim | plplotlib_mod | Subroutine | Set the limits of the x-axis |
xticks | plplotlib_mod | Subroutine | Set the ticks for the x-axis |
xylim | plplotlib_mod | Subroutine | Set the x and y ranges of the plot |
xyzlim | plplotlib_mod | Subroutine | Set the limits for a 3d plot |
ylabel | plplotlib_mod | Subroutine | Set y-label |
ylim | plplotlib_mod | Subroutine | Set the limits of the y-axis |
yticks | plplotlib_mod | Subroutine | Set the ticks for the y-axis |