Test program for kinds_mod
Compare a real value with its true value in string form; return the correct digit count
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
real(kind=wp), | intent(in) | :: | r | Real value |
character(len=*), | intent(in) | :: | c | True value |
Correct digits
Test real precision constants and actual accuracy
Test standard constants and verify accuracy to type-level precision
program testKinds_prg
!! Test program for kinds_mod
use kinds_mod
implicit none
call testPrecision
call testConstants
subroutine testPrecision
!! Test real precision constants and actual accuracy
prec(1) = precision(1.0_sp)
prec(2) = precision(1.0_dp)
prec(3) = precision(1.0_ep)
prec(4) = precision(1.0_qp)
if( any(prec<[6,15,18,33]) ) then
call printTypes
error stop "Failed real kinds precision check"
end if
end subroutine testPrecision
subroutine testConstants
!! Test standard constants and verify accuracy to type-level precision
character(41),parameter::cPI = '3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197'
character(41),parameter::cE = '2.718281828459045235360287471352662497757'
dPI = checkPrecision(PI,cPI)
dE = checkPrecision( E,cE )
if( any([dPI,dE]<precision(1.0_wp)-2) ) error stop "Failed real constants precision check"
end subroutine testConstants
function checkPrecision(r,c) result(o)
!! Compare a real value with its true value in string form; return the correct digit count
!! Real value
!! True value
!! Correct digits
write(buf,'(1F41.39)') r
do k=1,len(c)
if(buf(k:k)/=c(k:k)) exit
end do
o = k-2
end function checkPrecision
end program testKinds_prg