Test program for stats_mod
Test setRandomSeed to verify operation
Test randomUniform to verify approximate distribution properties
Test randomNormal to verify approximate distribution properties
Test mean to verify operation
Test stDev to verify operation
program testStats_prg
!! Test program for stats_mod
use kinds_mod
use stats_mod
implicit none
call testSetRandomSeed
call testRandomUniform
call testRandomNormal
call testMean
call testStDev
subroutine testSetRandomSeed
!! Test setRandomSeed to verify operation
integer,parameter::N = 10
call setRandomSeed(1)
call random_number(x)
call setRandomSeed(2)
call random_number(y)
call setRandomSeed(1)
call random_number(z)
results(1) = any(x==y)
results(2) = .not.all(x==z)
if( any(results) ) error stop "Failed setRandomSeed check"
end subroutine testSetRandomSeed
subroutine testRandomUniform
!! Test randomUniform to verify approximate distribution properties
integer,parameter::N = 1000000
call setRandomSeed(1)
x = randomUniform(N)
results(1) = abs(mean(x))>5.0E-3_wp
results(2) = abs(stDev(x)-sqrt(3.0_wp)**(-1))>5.0E-3_wp
results(3) = any(x> 1.0_wp+epsilon(1.0_wp))
results(4) = any(x<-1.0_wp-epsilon(1.0_wp))
if( any(results) ) error stop "Failed randomUniform check"
end subroutine testRandomUniform
subroutine testRandomNormal
!! Test randomNormal to verify approximate distribution properties
integer,parameter::N = 1000000
call setRandomSeed(1)
x = randomNormal(N)
results(1) = abs(mean(x))>5.0E-3_wp
results(2) = abs(stdev(x)-1.0_wp)>5.0E-3_wp
results(3) = any(x> 6.0_wp+12.0_wp*epsilon(1.0_wp))
results(4) = any(x<-6.0_wp-12.0_wp*epsilon(1.0_wp))
if( any(results) ) error stop "Failed randomNormal check"
end subroutine testRandomNormal
subroutine testMean
!! Test mean to verify operation
results(1) = abs(mean([0.0_wp,1.0_wp,2.0_wp,3.0_wp,4.0_wp])-2.0_wp)<2.0_wp**4*epsilon(1.0_wp)
if( .not.all(results) ) error stop "Failed mean check"
end subroutine testMean
subroutine testStDev
!! Test stDev to verify operation
results(1) = abs(stDev([-1.0_wp,0.0_wp,1.0_wp])-1.0_wp)<2.0_wp**4*epsilon(1.0_wp)
if( .not.all(results) ) error stop "Failed mean check"
end subroutine testStDev
end program testStats_prg