Test program for text_mod
Test removeSpaces to verify operation
Test startsWith to verify operation
Test endsWith to verify operation
Test intToChar to verify operation
Test realToChar to verify operation
Test realToTime to verify operation
Test colorize to verify operation
Test colorMap to verify operation
program testText_prg
!! Test program for text_mod
use kinds_mod
use text_mod
implicit none
call testRemoveSpaces
call testStartsWith
call testEndsWith
call testIntToChar
call testRealToChar
call testRealToTime
call testColorize
call testColorMap
subroutine testRemoveSpaces
!! Test removeSpaces to verify operation
!! @todo
!! Make me a test with stop conditions
s1 = 'This Is A Test'
s2 = removeSpaces(s1)
write(*,*) '|'//s2//'|'
end subroutine testRemoveSpaces
subroutine testStartsWith
!! Test startsWith to verify operation
results(1) = startsWith('thisFunction','this')
results(2) = .not.startsWith('thisFunction','that')
results(3) = .not.startsWith('','this')
results(4) = startsWith('thisFunction','')
if( .not.all(results) ) error stop "Failed startsWith check"
end subroutine testStartsWith
subroutine testEndsWith
!! Test endsWith to verify operation
results(1) = endsWith('thisFunction','Function')
results(2) = .not.endsWith('thisFunction','Subroutine')
results(3) = .not.endsWith('','this')
results(4) = endsWith('thisFunction','')
if( .not.all(results) ) error stop "Failed endsWith check"
end subroutine testEndsWith
subroutine testIntToChar
!! Test intToChar to verify operation
results(1) = intToChar(1)=='1'
results(2) = intToChar(-1)=='-1'
results(3) = intToChar(1,'(1I4.4)')=='0001'
results(4) = intToChar(1,'(1I4.4)',6)=='0001 '
if( .not.all(results) ) error stop "Failed intToChar check"
end subroutine testIntToChar
subroutine testRealToChar
!! Test realToChar to verify operation
results(1) = realToChar(1.0_wp,'(1F10.5)')=='1.00000'
results(2) = realToChar(1.0_wp,'(1F10.5)',20)=='1.00000 '
if( .not.all(results) ) error stop "Failed realToChar check"
end subroutine testRealToChar
subroutine testRealToTime
!! Test realToTime to verify operation
results(1) = realToTime(3600.0_wp*24.0_wp+3600.0_wp*2.0_wp+60.0_wp*3.0_wp+4.0_wp)=='1d 2h 3m 4s'
if( .not.all(results) ) error stop "Failed realToTime check"
end subroutine testRealToTime
subroutine testColorize
!! Test colorize to verify operation
character(1),parameter::ESC = achar(27)
test = colorize('white',[5,5,5])
true = ESC//'[38;5;'//'231'//'m'//'white'//ESC//'[0m'
if( .not.(test==true) ) error stop "Failed colorize check"
end subroutine testColorize
subroutine testColorMap
!! Test colorMap to verify operation
integer,parameter::N = 11
integer,dimension(N,3),parameter::true = &
& reshape([ 0,1,2,3,4,5,5,5,5,5,5, &
& 0,1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1,0, &
& 5,5,5,5,5,5,4,3,2,1,0 ],[N,3])
real(wp),dimension(2),parameter::R = [0.0_wp,1.0_wp]
do k=1,N
x = real(k-1,wp)/real(N-1,wp)
test(k,1:3) = colorMap(x,R)
end do
if( .not.all(true==test) ) error stop "Failed colorMap check"
end subroutine testColorMap
end program testText_prg